50 Faces of SECC – Noelle

In 2007, Noelle was in search of a program that would suit her physical needs and give her a sense of belonging. After looking around at the options in Essex County, Noelle decided to give SECC’s Adult Day Program (ADP) a try.

Joining the group in ADP allows Noelle to be an active participant in something in her community. She participates in all the activities that the program has to offer. A few of her favourites are joining in the exercise program on Friday mornings, calling out Bingo numbers, and singing karaoke. ADP is Noelle’s happy place. She is grateful to attend every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so that she can get out into the community and hang out with her friends. Noelle is a great listener, and other clients love sharing their stories with her!

Noelle loves all different kinds of food, and that’s another reason she loves attending Adult Day Program. Not only does she get a meal from Green Heart Kitchen each day through SECC’s Meals on Wheels programs, but there are also delicious snacks in the morning and afternoon.

Aside from attending ADP, Noelle loves booking SECC’s Transit to go shopping at Devonshire Mall with her sister. When she’s there, she usually buys a new pair of purple or red shoes to match her outfits.

Noelle has a smile that lights up any room. She cares deeply for those around her and always asks how her friends are doing, whether they are other clients or staff. Noelle is always the first to encourage the people around her and her friends in ADP are always glad when they get to sit beside Noelle! SECC is honoured to be a part of Noelle’s life and all she has to offer back to the clients and staff.

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