50 Faces of SECC – Mustafa


Mustafa is a friendly and engaging grade 8 student who shows great initiative and dedication to anything he sets about to accomplish. In September of 2022, Mustafa was introduced to SECC’s Junior Youth Program. From the first day he attended, Mustafa showed a commitment in participating in programming as often as possible.

In March of 2023, Junior Youth had the opportunity to expand programming with a grant from the Rotary Club of Leamington, which was based around mental health. Mustafa was the first student to jump up and say he wanted to help give the program the best opportunity to win this grant. Along with his peers, Mustafa was featured in a video talking about how Junior Youth supports his mental health in a variety of ways. He expressed that spending time with his friends and receiving additional supports has helped with his mental well-being. After winning the grant, the Junior Youth Program has expanded to three days per week.

Mustafa has continued to show his devotion by attending almost every session offered, which has allowed him to be a role model to other participants. SECC staff are proud of the person Mustafa has become over the past year. As Mustafa graduates elementary school, we are excited for him to transition into the Senior Youth Program in September!

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